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Andy, does JRockit use the Sun ORB?  I know IBM's doesn't.


Andy Piper wrote:
> At 04:26 PM 10/26/2005, Rick McGuire wrote:
>> The most critical need right now is to have a replacement to the Sun 
>> ORB that would allow portability to other JVM impelementations.  The 
>> lack of a full-function compliant ORB is the main factor locking 
>> Geronimo in to the Sun 1.4.2 JVM.
>> I think the general view of the CORBA support is that of a "necessary 
>> evil".  It is required for J2EE certifcation, but is not generally 
>> seen as critical to most Geronimo deployments.  My personal view of 
>> the priorities is "get it working, get it portable".  Issues such as 
>> additional uses or higher peformance are things to consider after the 
>> primary requirements are fullfilled.
> Can I ask why portability is critical? Most VM's (with one notable 
> exception) use the Sun ORB so depending on it doesn't seem such a big 
> deal to me, especially if its a necessary evil. I agree support for J2SE 
> 5.0 is essential, but its pretty easy to write code that supports both 
> 1.4 and 5.0 ORBs.
> andy

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