I think this versioning has potential to be confusing, and the
omission of <version/> below doesn't actually do that - though it is
probably possible with a version of (,) that includes everything.

Personally, I'd prefer to have:
or similar.

(Technically, the last "build number" is used for rebuilding the same
source code, not patching, but I think the alternative of 2.4.x
creates some more confusion and the above will work as intended).
Ideally, once 2.4 is compliant you don't need to release it again
anyway :)

Perhaps when we have proper spec-dependency handling in Maven it might
be less confusing to use the geronimo-spec version number instead of
the spec number.

My 2cents...

- Brett

On 10/30/05, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know this has been talked about before on this list, but I'd like
> to get the proposal in one place.  With the help of Alan and Jason,
> this is what I got:
> Normally we just have this directory structure:
> specs/trunk/servlet-2.2/src/
> specs/trunk/servlet-2.4/src/
> specs/trunk/jsp-2.4/src/
> When we are happy with the specs we make a tag:
> specs/tags/1.0/servlet-2.2/src/
> specs/tags/1.0/servlet-2.4/src/
> specs/tags/1.0/javamail-2.2-r2/src/
> specs/tags/1.1/servlet-2.2/src/
> specs/tags/1.1/servlet-2.4/src/
> specs/tags/1.1/javamail-2.2-r2/src/
> The pom for the specs would be like this:
>    <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
>      <artifactId>servlet-2.4</artifactId>
>      <name>Geronimo :: Servlet API</name>
>    <version>1.0</version>
> With maven 2 version ranges a user can just have the following and
> maven will pick the most resent release of our spec automatically:
>    <dependency>
>      <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
>      <artifactId>servlet-2.4</artifactId>
>    <dependency>
> The current directory structure in https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/
> geronimo/specs is very close to this.  The only big change will be to
> add the version number of the specification to the directory name.
> What do yo think?
> -dain

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