Jeff Genender wrote:

I have placed the following files:


They should be picked up and a part of ibiblio in a few hours. They will be in the geronimo repository in the war directory.


The file name in ibiblio is geronimo-servlet-examples-TOMCAT5.5.12.war

The property "tomcat_version" has a value of 5.5.12

Using the following:


Results in an extra "dash" (geronimo-servlet-examples-TOMCAT-5.5.12.war)

Of course, I can define a new property with the value "TOMCAT-5.5.12"..

Though, I suspect it may be better to rename the file to geronimo-servlet-examples-5.5.12 or geronimo-servlet-examples-TOMCAT-5.5.12 so that we can use the existing property.

What do you think?


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