I agree with this idea but I'd like to add one more thoughts. I think that we need to make the sharing of the server configurations also "configurable". A presumed sharing of binaries or configurations is not always optimal (especially when upgrading from a v1 to a v2 server).

We also need to consider how this would influence the applications installed on the various server instances in the same geronimo tree. I think flexibility is the key here. Some users will want total isolation of applications (even binaries) in the same Geronimo tree so that they can manage the applications independently. Others may want to share all of the application/configuration information across server instances. And of course, there will be some that want a mixture of "island" applications and "community" applications.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:
I think anything we do in this area should start to factor in the idea of multiple configurations for a single Geronimo tree. For example, if I was running server 1 and server 2 and wanted to have unique containers for both I would need something like:



as well as unique log4j properties files, config-store, etc. Continuing the single version per tree for 1.0 is fine but I'd like to see us start thinking in a larger context for more complicated customer deployments. In one instance a customer may server multiple servers from a single NAS.

Just some food for thought.

David Jencks wrote:

I now have servers for jetty and for tomcat built using the packaging and assembly plugins. For the second time I've spent 2 days trying to figure out why tomcat is broken only to realize that some required configuration files are missing. The server built in modules/assembly copies the files from the tomcat module, whereas I have simply included them in the geronimo-tomcat-j2ee assembly. Both of these solutions are really unsatisfactory.

How about writing a gbean that copies resources out of its classpath and into a specified location (in var)? This would let us package these files in the geronimo-tomcat car so they would be available for any tomcat server. Can anyone see a problem with this approach?

david jencks

Joe Bohn

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." -- Jim Elliot

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