I'm taking David's framework and will be building the installer such that it 
includes the internal repository and lays down only the desired 
configurations at install time.

$ erik

 On Tuesday 22 November 2005 04:46, David Jencks wrote:
> I've been working with Eric on the installer.  I think we have quite a
> few of the pieces in place, although there is still a lot to do with
> izpack.
> I modified the assembly plugin to allow subclasses to set the source
> repository, the target repository, and the target config-store.  One
> the the classes now accepts a configuration car file, and copies it an
> all its dependencies into another repository.  My idea is that this
> will be the main step in building the installer.  We will supply a list
> of all the configurations we want available, and get a repository that
> we will pack up into the installer that contains all the car files and
> all their dependencies.  (We'll also need the lib and bin directories
> at least, but the contents of these are fixed).  I created a new
> modules assemblies/j2ee-installer that does this (although the list of
> configs is copied directly from the jetty server and needs all the
> tomcat specific cars added to it).
> I'm assuming that we will be able to package this repo into the
> installer jar without much trouble, but I don't know how to do that
> yet.
> We should be able to use the regular assembly plugin
> LocalConfigInstaller class when the installer is run to install, from
> the repository inside the installer jar, the configurations into the
> target config store and all their dependencies into the target
> repository.  I haven't figured out how to do that yet either.  I'm not
> sure if a custom action is sufficient or if we have to write some kind
> of custom panel as well.  I beileve the LocalConfigInstaller will be
> able to copy stuff out of a jar file if we supply a "jar URI" for the
> sourceRepositoryURI.
> thanks
> david jencks




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