I think most people run G builds by skipping tests and itests. Is there anybody out there that runs itests ?
I am finding that the itests happens to be quite a flaky module, especially in it's DDLExporterTask.java. I amost always get the following exception when I do a top level build:
     [exec] BUILD FAILED
     [exec] File...... C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.maven\cache\maven-multiproject-plugin-1.3.1\plugin.jelly
     [exec] Element... maven:reactor
     [exec] Line...... 217
     [exec] Column.... 9
     [exec] Unable to obtain goal [ejb:install] -- C:\apache\geronimo\openejb\modules\itests\maven.xml:438:43: <ddlExporter> org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/validator/Validator
     [exec] Root cause
     [exec] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xmlbeans/impl/validator/Validator
     [exec]  at org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlObjectBase.validate(XmlObjectBase.java :342)
     [exec]  at org.apache.geronimo.schema.SchemaConversionUtils.validateDD(SchemaConversionUtils.java:580)
     [exec]  at org.apache.geronimo.schema.SchemaConversionUtils.convertToEJBSchema(SchemaConversionUtils.java :223)
     [exec]  at org.openejb.deployment.ant.DDLExporterTask.execute(DDLExporterTask.java:337)
Is this being caused by the fact that itests does not have a dependency on the xmlbeans module ? (Validator class is a part of the xbean-2.0.0.jar)

But then when I re-run the top level build or run maven from the openejb/modules/itests directory, it completes successfully.
Platform: Windows XP.

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