On Dec 1, 2005, at 11:36 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:

FYI, you can implement -vv simply being the same as -v -v, the option will get processed twice. Add add a simple counter to track how many times -v was used, then once finished paring options, set the verbosity according the the counter. 0=terse, 1=verbose, 2=more-verbose, etc...




On Dec 1, 2005, at 3:26 PM, John Sisson wrote:

Whilst trying to come up with a name for the new command line option for the Daemon for the new startup progress output (that doesn't use line feeds to update the status of configurations being loaded and outputs the startup time for each configuration) I chatted with David Blevins and David Jencks on IRC.

They brought to my attention that the Daemon doesn't follow the convention where each option has a short form (prefixed with a single dash '-') and a long form prefixed with two dashes "--". For example, run maven -h or maven --help .

Currently the Daemon supports these options:


In the list above, the -quiet, -override and -help don't fit the convention I described.

We discussed using commons CLI to process the arguments but there were concerns with the size of the library and also it is getting too close to 1.0 to make large changes. I proposed that we at least make our options follow the convention discussed above (this would allow us to move to commons CLI or a derivation of it in the future if needed).


-q    --quiet                  ** change impacts existing users **
-v    --verbose
-vv  --veryverbose
-o   --override              ** change impacts existing users **
-h   --help
-l --long ** new option to change startup progress format **

We could still have hidden support for -help and /? but I'm not sure if they would work with commons CLI if we were to move to it in the future.

In regards to the vv option being more than one character, looking at the commons CLI documentation ( http://jakarta.apache.org/ commons/cli/apidocs/org/apache/commons/cli/Options.html ), it says the short option is a single character, but it takes a string argument, so I think it is more of a recommendation. If you use more than one character for the short option you lose the ability to use the Option.getID() method that can be useful in switch statements.

The deploy tool uses the long (--) form of options (doesn't support a short form) but it follows the convention.

I will send another mail regarding the startup progress and whether we should change the default format.


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