I've taken a first stab at reducing our INFO output.  One of the
standouts is Jetty, which log various stuff as INFO during startup,
where the logger name is the web context name (/ or /console or
/console-standard, etc.).  Is there any chance of getting a Jetty
build in the next few days that emits no INFO output during startup?

The problem is, since the log categories are literally only "/" or
"/console" or whatever (not AFAICT org.mortbay.jetty./console or
something), we can't easily override those categories to log at only
WARN or higher.  I mean, we could do it for the console and the stuff
we ship, but as soon as the user deployed a new web app, there would
be more INFO output again (under their custom context name).  I'm
hoping to eliminate INFO output entirely except for stuff like
"Geronimo server started".  So it would be great to find a way to
suppress the "context started" INFO messages from Jetty.


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