Bruce Snyder wrote:
On 12/5/05, Hernan Cunico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We need to have a strategy on how we are going manage reviewing,
removing out of date content, and moving valid content from the existing
Wiki.  A lot of the existing content is out of date or irrelevant.  We
need to be careful that we don't end up having two half baked Wikis for

Totally agree, should "focal points" for documentation be identified for
gathering/addressing all the doc strategy related stuff? or maybe a
structure similar to "contributors and committers" should be in place
for documentation!?

Hernan, some of us raised this point earlier this year - the notion
that there will be committers who don't necessarily write code but
instead write documentation or do other things. I'd like to raise this
discussion again because, IMO, the ultimate way to write documentation
is in a format that can be easily converted to just about anything
else including a wiki. My reason for feeling this way is so that the
docs are versioned with the code and so that the docs are tracked via
the same mechanism as the code.

Agree with you with using a format easy to export from and with the versioning. In addition, using committers will provide a way to control the content (as with the code) for accuracy, helping to keep the documentation "official".

We somehow have to be able to guarantee the content is accurate and updated for a given version. Using contributors/committers would be one way to achieve this.

Maybe ApacheCon would be a good opportunity to get everyone together and
review the content in the existing Wiki.  IMHO, if we don't have

Guys, keep in mind that not everybody is going to ApacheCon, pls keep
the dev list updated with your discussions on this.

No problem here, Hernan. The Apache Way is to do as close to 100% of
the discussion, decision making, etc. on the mailing lists so that
nobody is excluded.

Face-to-face discussions are faster, wider and have lots of other benefits. When writing them, at least in my case, one tries to summarize the key items (that is a fact) and some times, some details are lost. My comment meant to be just a "friendly reminder" on the discussions ;)


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