We've made a lot of progress over the weekend and the past few days in terms of
testing, bug fixing as well as new features. At this point though we are
running out of time and need to shift from features to finish and testing to
make sure we're putting out the best offering we can. Given that there are a
few things we need to do and I need your help.
First, we need to manage our way out of the outstanding 98 JIRAs for 1.0. I
would like to ask everyone that has a JIRA for 1.0 (either reported by you and
unassigned or assigned to you) to please quickly review it and prioritize it
appropriately. The assignment should be:
1.0 (absolutely needs to be in ... stop ship if its in this category)
1.1 (important but can be addressed later)
1.x (sooner than later but not immediately urgent)
wishlist (self explanatory)
Please do this today. If you absolutely cannot let me know and I'll defer them
for you :)
Because we need to finish TCK testing as well as test the packaging and
installer I would like to make today the last day for fixing function /
features.. I propose we cut a 1.0 branch tonight so we can fix things like
missing content in the console and other items that will be removed from
Geronimo that need to remain in HEAD for further development.
Also, we will make the final cutover of versions from SNAPSHOTs to their
released versions for TranQL, Open EJB, and Axis. I think we have everything
else taken care of.
Preferrably it would be great if we can start a vote on Friday for a release
assuming we get the remaining work completed.
Please respond to this e-mail with outstanding urgent issues that need to be
completed. Here is a start for this activity:
* Remove broken / non-functional links in the console
* Installer work completed
* Testing of sample apps to ensure we have not regressed
I'm sure there are lits of other items. Let's get them in here and I'll update
the release managemetn page.