Jakob Færch (Trifork) wrote:
Nevertheless, when starting the server, none of the web service endpoint beans are able to start. As an example, for the CreditCardEndpointBean the following appears in the log: 13:06:11,032 DEBUG [GBeanSingleReference] Waiting to start geronimo.server:name=CreditCardEndpointBean,J2EEServer=geronimo,J2EEApplication=org/apache/geronimo/Bank1.0.3,j2eeType=WSLink,J2EEModule=null because no targets are running for reference WebServiceContainer matching the patterns geronimo.server:J2EEApplication=null,J2EEModule=org/apache/geronimo/Jetty,J2EEServer=geronimo,j2eeType=GBean,name=JettyWebContainer

and then at the end of the startup:
13:06:26,725 WARN [SilentStartupMonitor] Unable to start geronimo.server:name=CreditCardEndpointBean,J2EEServer=geronimo,J2EEApplication=org/apache/geronimo/Bank1.0.3,j2eeType=WSLink,J2EEModule=null (starting)

I guess this means that the bean didn't start ;-) It doesn't answer on the address (http://localhost:8080/webservice/CreditCardService) specified in the deployment descriptor.

Have you got any ideas on how to make the beans start?
I notice the J2EEModule=org/apache/geronimo/Jetty in the reference matching string in the first log entry. The jetty configuration reported by deployer.jar's list-modules is named geronimo/jetty/1.0-SNAPSHOT/car. Could this be related to Q2 on how to get to run on a server with "org/apache/geronimo"-naming style for configurations?

The issue seems very similar to the problem Jacek faced in

But I am not able to figure out the connection; the reference for WebServiceContainer must be defined in some GBean - there's no such reference in the ear plan I'm trying to deploy (unless it's some default reference from any ear that includes a web service exposed EJB).

I've been trying to get the deployer scripts to use my M5 build, but am running into all sorts of maven problems. I will continue to try later today.

Kindly, Jakob

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