I'm about 70% complete with the code changes for phase 2. I still have to add 
some validation and control for the new config.xml generation approach.  The 
GUI panels and the actual config.xml generation are done.

I probably won't be able to pick this back up until later this week since I'm 

I hope to post a patch for p2 later this week.

 On Monday 19 December 2005 15:57, Erik Daughtrey wrote:
> Hmm, Well, usability aside, it sure changes the code I've written so far :)
> Actually, I think it is quite a good approach.
> IzPack allows any package to be selected on the pack selection panel as
> long as it's prereqs are satisfied (can't install Tomcat console without
> installing Tomcat).
> This all worked fairly well except that we have a condition not directly
> supported by IzPack which is that the operator is not allowed to configure
> both Jetty and Tomcat.  The installer has override code to prevent the
> selection of both, but it does not run until the pack selection panel is
> exited.
> To some extent, the proposed change would change the semantics of the pack
> selection screen into something more in accordance with the way IzPack
> normally works.
> The changes I'd make to pull this off would be to:
> 1. Remove the Tomcat/Jetty "Configuration Problem" panel which shows when
> both are selected.
> 2. Add check boxes to each related configuration panel asking whether the
> config should be active.
> 3. Assume that any packs not selected should be marked false in the config.
> 4. Allow either Jetty or tomcat to be marked active, but not both.  For
> ease of programming,  some  static text on the screen could warn of the
> inability to configure both (hmm, but only if both are to be installed).
> 5. Do the magic to build the config-store for the installed components.
> 6. probably lots of other things I have not thought of yet
> It's not too bad really.  It probably is clearer.  I'll do it this way.
>  On Monday 19 December 2005 14:06, David Jencks wrote:
> > On Dec 19, 2005, at 6:52 AM, Erik Daughtrey wrote:
> > > The next phase of the installer is supposed to only install selected
> > > components as well as activating them in config.xml.  Currently, the
> > > installer installs all components and modifies config.xml to only
> > > start those
> > > selected at install time.
> > >
> > > My current plan is to make this an optional feature by adding
> > > somthing like a
> > > "Lean install" pack that can be selected.  This way folks who
> > > happen to want
> > > everything installed, but only some parts configured can have the
> > > current
> > > functionality.
> > >
> > > Does anyone vehemently disagree with this approach?
> >
> > I think the maximum flexibility would come with:
> >
> > check boxes on the first page select which configurations are
> > actually included in the installed server.
> > check boxes (?? or something) on configuration-specific page controls
> > whether the configuration is turned on (load="true"/"false") in
> > config.xml.
> >
> > Would this be too hard to use?
> >
> > thanks
> > david jencks
> >
> > > --
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > Erik




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