Jakob Færch (Trifork) wrote:

Hi Jacek

Hi Jakob,

Using the 1.0 prerelease from <http://people.apache.org/~hogstrom/geronimo-1.0/geronimo-tomcat-j2ee-1.0-20051219.zip>, I get ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet when booting the server using the tomcat build. It seems the error occurs for every webservice-enabled bean in the application.

I've noticed it too once I applied your patch and I don't have any ideas yet how to sort it out.

I've included the stacktrace from the log for one of the beans. Do you - or anyone else who might be reading this - have any idea what is going on?


If I exchange the artifactId for the unpackServer goal to use the geronimo-jetty-j2ee distribution, everything seems to work all right; no errors on startup, and the orders I submit seems to be processed all the way to 'completed' state.

Whow, that's a very interesting thing. It makes us sure that it's not the AB configurations but Tomcat may exhibit some "features".

I guess I'm just experiencing problems with the tomcat distributions created so far, but we still have to sort this out when the 1.0 enters final.

Absolutely, but the first things first. We need to make it run on one or another container and then crack down remaining issues. It may be that the issues are because of broken configurations we use.

I continue looking into the problems sending mail; I think I have tracked the problem down to an anomaly in the Geronimo implementation of javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage from the geronimo-javamail_1.3.1_spec-1.0.jar.

Awesome. Keep digging up. It seems very promising.

Do you know if it's documented somewhere how to get hold of the spec sources and build them?

Sure. Download the sources from the repo and build them using the following procedure:

maven m:co
rm -rf ~/.maven/plugins ~/.maven/cache/geronimo* ~/.maven/repository/geronimo/plugins
maven m:clean m:clean-repo new

It worked for me, but some first tries finished with errors. Don't be worried and keep trying ;)

I can't seem to find them anywhere in the "normal" source checkout I have got by following the Wiki instructions on <http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/GettingSourceCode>.

Get them from http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/geronimo/specs/trunk/

I can find the source for the specs at http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/geronimo/specs/trunk/geronimo-spec-javamail/src/, and it seems like it could be the source for the geronimo-javamail_1.3.1_spec-1.0.jar, but I guess I have no way to be sure.

See the above url.

Also, do you (or anyone else) know if newer version of the javamail spec exists. I searched the JIRA for an issue like the one I'm experiencing, but couldn't seem to find one. I think I might have a patch for the problem; nevertheless, I wouldn't want to waste time trying to solve a problem which might be fixed in a newer version.

Remember that you'll need Maven 2 to build the specs from sources.

That was a lot of questions from me; I hope someone will take the time to answer some of them - that would bring us a little nearer the end of this, I think.

No problem. You're doing a great job and I'm doing all my best to keep your pace.



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