On 1/2/2006 2:09 AM, Jacek Laskowski wrote:
2006/1/1, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On 1/1/2006 12:33 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I would change the pom to 1.1-SNAPSHOT.  We haven't officially
published the 1.0 jars yet so I would not worry about publishing
quite yet.  I think it might be a good idea to wait a bit before
declaring 1.1 for the javamail jars -- perhaps we will get more fixes
in short order.

We have a branch that fixes can go into.  Branches are precisely for the
situation that Jacek is in.  In this case he can make his changes to
trunk w/out affecting our Geronimo 1.0 release effort.

It sounds fine to me. Thanks. I'll change the pom to 1.1-SNAPSHOT and
commit the changes to the trunk. Having done it, how should I publish
the javamail-spec jar to the world?

That's the $64 question.  Jason knows the secret incantations needed to be performed to do this.  Jason?


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