Are you sure you weren't redirected to a mirror that hasn't synced yet with the new release? In my case the suggested mirror site didn't have the file, but the other mirror sites did.

Hopefully it will fix itself soon.


Ken Perl wrote:

really good news, but the release notes link is broken.

On 1/6/06, Christopher Chan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Congrats and nice work to all!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Hogstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 6:18 PM
Subject: ANNOUNCE Geronimo Version 1.0 Available for Download

The Apache Geronimo team is proud to announce the availability of Geronimo
Version 1.0 for immediate download.  Please visit

The release has passed all J2EE 1.4 Certification Tests.  In addition, many
thanks to our community and volunteers that have tested Geronimo on many
operating systems including Linux, Windows, MacOS and zLinux as well as many

hardware platforms.

Apache Geronimo 1.0 introduces complete J2EE 1.4 certification, support for
Business Integration (JBI), Jetty or Tomcat Web container deployment
options, a
complete Web-enabled management console based on Java Portlets, full
with the Eclipse Web Tools Project, and integration of Apache Derby and the
Apache Directory Server.

Included in this e-mail are relevant sections from the RELEASE-NOTES which
be found in the distributions that are available for download.  For up to
minute Release Notes and information you can check the Geronimo home page at


Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 1.0

Geronimo URLs
Home Page:
Mailing Lists:
Source Code:
Bug Tracking:

System Requirements
You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 1.4.2.  CORBA
support requires a Sun Java 1.4.2 VM (specifically 1.4.2_08
or a higher 1.4.2_* release).

Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Installing & Starting Geronimo
To install, simply unpack the .zip (Windows) or tar.gz (Unix) file
containing Geronimo.

Documentation is included in the docs directory in your unpacked server.

If you wish to modify the default ports that
Geronimo will use, edit the file var/config/config.xml in your
Geronimo directory.

Geronimo comes with batch and script files to control server start
and stop functions.  To see usage examples simply type geronimo.bat
or command as appropriate for your platform.  It is
necessary to set JAVA_HOME to the copy of your Sun 1.4.2 JDK/JRE
prior to executing the command.  Here is an example:

export JAVA_HOME=/directory_to_the_JRE/

The command will display help text instructing you as to how to start
and stop the Geronimo server.

If you prefer to start the server without a script file you can simply type:

java -jar bin/server.jar

Once the server has started, you can access the administration console
at http://localhost:8080/console/ . The default user name is "system" and
the default password is "manager".

Administration Console Security Configuration
The default administration user/password for the admin console and
deployment is system/manager.  To change this edit the
var/security/ and var/security/

Future Road Map at a Glance

  (the above URL must be all on one line)

Late Release News (not in RELEASE-NOTES-1.0.txt in build)
Just as the Geronimo Release was being prepared a report was made about a
potential security issue when using the Jetty Web Conatiner.  The issue was
on Jetty 5.1.9 which used by geronimo 1.0, which allows a crafted URL to
access the
contents of a WEB-INF directory if the server is running on a Windows
This issue is fixed in Jetty 5.1.10 and will be provided in Geronimo 1.0.1
be available in the near future.

Significant Changes Since the M5 Release
 * the ConfigID format has been updated in anticipatation of future
   enhancements.  Application plans that include configIds of
   configurations included in Geronimo M5 and earlier will require
   modifications.  See the Wiki at
   for more information.
 * More functionality and new look and feel for the Administrative
   Console (http://localhost:8080/console/)
 * Added HTTP session clustering to the Tomcat configuration
   included with Geronimo
 * Hot Deploy by copying your deployment artifact to the deploy/
 * Ability to run the deploy tool from a machine other than the
   application server (remote deployment)
 * Packages that represented experimental, pre-release or obsolete
   versions were removed.
 * Clustering
   - Tomcat support for clustering is available in this release.
   - WADI has been included as a technology preview for both Jetty
     and Tomcat.  See for additional

Choice of Web container
Two versions of the Geronimo binary are available for download.
There is a version for the Jetty Web container and a version for
the Tomcat Web container.  Both distributions are fully supported
by the Geronimo team.  Please download the binary appropriate for
your installation.

Most configuration attributes can be updated in the
geronimo/var/config/config.xml file.  The attributes most likely
to be changed are already included in the supplied config.xml file,
while others may need to be added manually.

Overall Project Status
The current version release of 1.0 represents a significant step
for the Geronimo  project.  After a little over two years of effort
this distribution is a fully compliant and usable J2EE container
suitable for everything from development to Enterprise deployments.

The next version of Geronimo is focused on several areas, including:

 * continue to enhance the performance and usability of the server
 * improve cross-platform compatibility
 * improve integration with third-party development tools and
   server products

User feedback is critical for future released to be successful!
The Geronimo team is anxious to gather feedback to ensure we are
meeting the needs and expectations of the user community.

In addition to the goals mentioned above, several specific changes
are currently being considered:

 * Make the Geronimo kernel pluggable, to help ease integration of
   external components.
 * Enhance the ability to assemble customized servers (including only
   the services required by the applications to be run).
 * Enhance configuration, administration and management tools
 * Improve clustering support for web containers and ejbs

For more information on specific bugs or features, or to help with
testing efforts, please visit JIRA, our bug/issue tracking system, at

Certification Status
Geronimo 1.0 has passed the J2EE(tm) certification test suite.  We
will be filing the appropriate certification paperwork with Sun for
official J2EE certification.

Significant Missing Features
 * J2EE Application Client that works from a machine other than the
 * Full JSR-88 support for DConfig Beans (the current features are
   somewhat incomplete)
 * Offline deployment and assembly tools (expected shortly)
 * Installer program (expected shortly)

Known Issues
 * ActiveMQ (our JMS implementation) is not shut down in the right
   way and thus tends to generate exceptions to the console during
   the shutdown process.  This does not cause any actual problems
   as far as we know, but it sure doesn't look nice.
 * See also outstanding JIRA issues at

perl -e 'print unpack(u,"62V5N\"FME;G\!E<FQ`9VUA:6PN8V]M\"[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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