2006/1/6, Alan D. Cabrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Bruce Snyder wrote, On 1/5/2006 4:26 PM:
> > Then we should probably consider making a decision that the HEAD
> > should contain 2.x work only. If any fixes need to be done to the 1.x
> > code then proper branching and tagging should occur to facilitate that
> > work.
> Good point.  What do others think?


That's exactly what I had already proposed in my previous response.
There's no need to complicate things unless some need arises. I
remember when Alan stated that patches will be applied to a branch and
would eventually end up as 1.0.1 or 1.1 and on. I think HEAD should
always reflect the state of the main releases of Apache Geronimo, i.e.
Apache Geronimo 2.0, 3.0 and on. The numbers after the dots would be
in branches.

> Alan


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