On 1/13/06, Jules Gosnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Perhaps Totem might be useful here ?
ActiveSpace (in incubator) may already have support for this sort of thing ?
If you had a working clustered cache with a cache loader pointing at the

Yes, ActiveSpace currently has a distributed JCache using optimistic transactions which relies on total ordering; it could well be a good use case for using totem. I'd be interested in a performance comparison with Totem v ActiveMQ (indeed it'd be trivial to integrate Totem into ActiveMQ as a transport; we already have multicast, UDP, TCP, SSL, HTTP et al).

FWIW when I get chance I've been meaning to refactor the ActiveSpace code to make use of Spring Remoting / Lingo (probably moving it into the Lingo project) so it'd be much easier to decouple the remoting code easily. 



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