My understanding is that ActiveMQ has full-featured clustering functionality.

I am sure that James will elaborate.


Rajith Attapattu wrote:

I see one short critical comming on Geronimo at the moment is we haven't defined what can and what we have to do in terms of clustering. I am glad you started the thread on JMS clustering, so some of the questions will be addressed There is no documentation out there what has been done or needs to be done. Instead of complaining I am planning to fill the gap with the help of Hernan, but would need help and input. We did disscuss some issues with HA-JNDI, there is lot of disscussions on Web clustering, but other than that there is no direction or disscussion. This will confuse a lot of the end-users. Clustering is pretty darn important in any production-level deployment and if we don't give a clear idea to the community about where we stand or atleast the fact that we have recognized where we need to work or some sort of RoadMap the endusers will be very confused about the whole issue. Regards, Rajith On 1/13/06, *Dave Colasurdo* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    I'm wondering what claims *Geronimo v1* can make concerning JMS
    clustering.  I do see that ActiveMQ makes quite a few claims around
    clustering though am wondering exactly which capabilities are
    leveraged/relevant to Geronimo v1?

    Clustering/failover of message brokers?
    If so, where is this setup and where is the failover decision
    making done?

    Queue Consumer Clusters?

    Message Failover?


    Do the messaging applications require any awareness of the clustered
    environment or is it transparent?

    Has anyone tested any of these scenarios using Geronimo v1?  :)


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