+1 to 1.0.0

david jencks

On Jan 13, 2006, at 4:43 AM, Sachin Patel wrote:

Its been brought to my attention that to better align versions with server releases, the eclipse-plugin should be re-versioned for its initial release to be 1.0.0, not 0.5.0. The idea here being that any major releases of the server, will have a matching corresponding eclipse feature version. Minor versions may still need to be independently versioned. Having a plugin that packages some of the Geronimo 1.0.0 runtime jars into a plugin that is versioned 0.5.0 is confusing to many users.

We have a small time frame to decide if we do want to change the version immediately, as Eclipse-WTP is about to release their first maintenance release 1.0.1, and we agree upon this, I will need to inform them of this change so they can react ASAP. Our next opportunity to do this will may not be for another 1-2 months.

[ ] Re-version the initial release to 1.0.0
[ ] Leave it at 0.5.0
[ ] Doesn't matter

- sachin

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