Hi all,

  I am developing a configuration plan involving
multiple GBeans. One of them, MainGBean, will make use
of the other GBeans. I am specifying the dependencies
as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

        <gbean name="gb1" class="task.APrinterGBean">    

        <gbean name="gb2" class="task.BPrinterGBean">    
        <gbean name="MainGBean" class="task.MyGBean">
                <reference name="Aprinter">gb1</reference>
                <reference name="Bprinter">gb2</reference> 

The idea is that MainGBean references gb1 and gb2 and
makes use of them. However, I get errors related to
the  <reference> tags and as a result it cant be
deployed. If I remove the <reference> tags, then it
can be deployed but  NullPointerExceptions are thrown
at run-time when MainGBean tries to make use of these
two GBeans that it references. Any help on the proper
use of the <reference> tag will be appreciated. 


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