On Jan 25, 2006, at 9:20 PM, David Jencks wrote:

What is the relationship between this and the trifork code just donated via Jira and the code we've been working on in the geronimo tree?

The code I uploaded yesterday implements RMI/IIOP on top of the ORB.

Example: When you invoke a corba remote object, and pass along a plain serializable java object such as java.util.HashMap, then there needs to be some code that implements an ObjectOutputStream which writes the data in a format for passing via IIOP/GIOP.

Similarily, any java.rmi.Remote object can be exported as a CORBA object, and this involves mapping method names, marshalling arguments and return values and so on. Also, some objects needs to be mapped specially; for example java.lang.String is mapped to a WStringValue corba object on the wire.

All this stuff is implemented in terms of a set of APIs in the package javax.rmi.CORBA, which can be implemented independently of the ORB. A JVM provides an implementation of these interfaces, but provifing our own as an add-on to the orb has some advantages in that we can optimize performance for ejb-specific usage senarios.


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