+1 for giving John more work :)

I think we could also post this on the things todo page.

Kresten Krab Thorup (Trifork) wrote:

Perhaps you can assemble an archive of the files that are needed and attach this archive to a relevant Jira; this would make it more straight-forward for someone to pick up the task without having to know details of the installer.


On Jan 26, 2006, at 10:06 AM, John Sisson wrote:

I think we need to defer to 1.1 unless we have a graphic artist that can make replacement ASL 2 licensed icons in a short amount of time.


Matt Hogstrom wrote:

Great research John. Do you think we should defer the installer to 1.1 given these issues? It would certainly make a bigger splash I think. Erik, thoughts?


John Sisson wrote:

Hi Erik,

There appears there are some issues with the licensing of some files in the installer JAR file for the upcoming Geronimo 1.0.1 release.

Although the IzPack installer itself is supposed to be under an ASF 2 license, it appears that the generated Geronimo installer JAR contains some files that may not be under the ASF 2 license or compatible with the ASF 2 license.

There are two groups of files/libraries that are included that are potentially suspect:

1) A number of images are included in the installer JAR in the / img directory. The IzPack installer history page ( http:// www.izforge.com/izpack/index.php?page=history ) says that the 3.5.0 version switched to the Crystal icons from KDE 3.2. I found that some of the images in the installer jar binary match images (e.g. ascii.png and bookmark.png) from "Crystal SVG for Linux" download on http://www.everaldo.com/crystal.html . Some images also looked the same but differed in a binary comparison (maybe I am comparing a different version of the icons). A google of crystal icons reveals (from various discussions) that they are under a LGPL license. So the use of the icons is not suitable in ASF projects.

This issue should probably be raised with the IzPack project. It may take a while for the IzPack project or ourselves to obtain images from another source that are suitable replacements.

2) Liquid look and feel files under the package com\birosoft \liquid . The liquidlnf project's page displays a LGPL license ( https://liquidlnf.dev.java.net/ ). Removing the following lines from the geronimo-izpack.xml file prevented the liquid files being included.
     <laf name="liquid">
        <os family="unix"/>
     </laf> Therefore the liquid LGPL issue appears to be solvable.

The removal of the laf configuration the geronimo-izpack.xml file does not affect the images that are in the jar under the /img directory.

FYI: Henry Yandell confirmed that the NanoXML files in the installer JAR under the package net\n3\nanoxml under a zlib/ libpng License are compatible with the ASF 2 license. ( http:// nanoxml.cyberelf.be/download.html ).



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