Sachin Patel wrote:

It would be cool to have automated performance tests for components that get kicked off with continuum. We could graphically chart the results to be able to track perf improvements or regressions. If there are any regressions it would then be easy to determine what build and point, and possibly even which commit that caused the regression.

That type of trending information is useful for other tests in addition to performance tests (eg code coverage, cts ,unit tests)

I would also vote for J2SE 5.0 support :*) (hopefully a non-issue with the new ORB anyway)


- sachin

On Jan 26, 2006, at 5:18 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Ever since we shipped 1.0, I have been getting a surprising number of private emails from old fiends, old Geronimo contributers, companies, and just random people telling me that the are excited about Geronimo and want to join in. They all inevitably ask me for advise on what to work on, and I really have no idea other than "look at JIRA". So I'd like to solicit the community to help me create a roadmap, tasks, things to do list, what ever we call it.

Before we get into building this, I'd like to focus the discussion, so we don't end up in mailing-list fantasy land :) Lets agree to not talk about the technology used to track the tasks; once we have the content we can discuss using JIRA, wiki, html or creating a Gopher site. Secondly, lets focus on things that are reasonable to do in the next 9 months. Finally, don't worry about someone else working on something you want to work on. With open communication on the mailing list, I think everyone will be able to work something they find interesting without stepping on toes. Oh, one final thing, please don't try to "take a task" until we have this list complete.

Without further delay, here are some things off the top of my head:

o Conversion to Maven 2 - Very important and a huge task

o Ant versions of the Geronimo plugins

o  XDoclet for all configurations

o Integration tests that cover servlets, webservices and jms

o Little-G - Geronimo with a small foot print

o Global non-persistent JNDI implementation

o EJB 2.x - Once I get my refractor committed, it will be obvious where the 2.x implementation needs work like better caching

o JEE 5 - There is a ton of stuff under this, but it would be good to start with a list of what is required for JEE 5

I don't want to speak for the other ares of Geronimo I don't work on regularly, but I am sure that there are good opportunities to help in the console, jms, javamail, ejb, clustering, esb/jbi/bpm, tooling, performance, build, testing, samples, documentation, so if you are more familiar with one of those areas, please post.

I think this is a "once in a project chance" to build a big vibrant community of developers, and let's not let it pass us by.

Thanks in advance,


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