On Jan 30, 2006, at 4:10 PM, Simon Godik wrote:

When default and run-as principals are in-effect they should be treated the
same way as any other principal; (eg granting of privilege to perform
certain tasks); That means we should track these objects in the
login-service and believe that these objects are authentic; We rely on the login-service to produce principal objects that we believe to be authentic,
not the interceptor code;

There is a kludge possible such as granting interceptor code-source
privilege to insert subjects into the context,

In openejb the default and run-as subjects are passed into the container, so from the container's perspective it doesn't care where they came from. I also find it very weird that an interceptor would be creating these because it seems to violate a separation of concern.

but this is authentication by
assertion is disguise; better to be done explicitly; on top of that any code that inserts subjects into the context also inserts a bunch of principals trying to compensate for not doing authentication and should be avoided;

Now as for where the subjects or principals come from I just want to see simple easy to understand code. If logging them in is cleanest, then I say go for it (just keep an eye out for complexity).


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