On 2 Feb 2006, at 20:51, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
James Strachan wrote:

Given it fits nicely with the existing ServiceMix incubation
proposal I see no need for a new proposal for a donation of
code to an existing incubating project.

We don't start to incubate a chicken, and then import a barnyard under the
same proposal, just because it fits well with a chicken.

What I am hearing is that NOT that people don't want the new material, but
that while it may fit with ServiceMix, it can also fit well with other
projects, and they want to allow that separation.

You may feel otherwise, although that is not clear to me from:

I certainly do feel otherwise as do the folks donating the code and the other members of the ServiceMix project.

Not really, its an orchestration engine for an ESB so as I've already
said its very well suited to the ServiceMix project and first well
within its scope.

We have at least two (2) ESB projects here.  Is this proposal really
ServiceMix specific?

An orchestration engine and JBI go together like a J2EE application server and a JTA provider (transaction manager). JBI (JSR 208) is the JCP standard container model for deploying integration services; so orchestration engines should expose themselves as a JBI component, be deployed within a JBI container and work with other JBI components (binding components or service engines to use JBI speak). ServiceMix is the only JBI project at Apache where it currently hosts a full JBI container and test suite together with a large collection of existing JBI components for various things (smart routing, audit, transformation, rules, scripting etc). So the aim is for the orchestration engine to become a JBI component deployable inside ServiceMix's JBI container that can then orchestrate other JBI components (such as the Axis or Tuscay JBI components - I'm sure in time we'll have a Synapse JBI component too).

Note that I purposely avoided the ESB buzzword in that paragraph above as its a vague semi-meaningless term these days, like SOA and "component" :)


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