On Feb 5, 2006, at 12:13 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Hi all,

my name is Jacopo Cappellato, I'm one of the developers of the OFBiz project (www.ofbiz.org), that will soon start the incubation process.

We are evaluating the possibility to integrate into OFBiz two of the Geronimo's components: the Transaction Manager and the TX-aware Connection Pooling (right now we are using JOTM and Minerva).

Can these components be used separately from the whole Geronimo thing?

Any hints on dependencies (etc.) we should take care will be highly appreciated.

You are not the first to want to do this :-). The purpose of the Jencks project is to run these components in Spring. It should also be pretty easy to set up the components you need in code.

Does OFBiz use a component framework? Does it run in a web server? If run in a j2ee app server, what happens to its own tm and connection pooling?

The last time I looked the Jencks project was not setting up the transaction log so recovery of in-doubt transactions would not be possible. I don't know why it wasn't set up, it is pretty easy to do.

It's desirable for all calls into a web app or ejb to go through an interceptor connected to the connection management framework. This is needed to support some required but bad-practice j2ee requirements, but also has the very good effect of preventing connection leaks if you use appropriate j2ca jdbc wrappers such as the tranql connectors. If you run in Geronimo these interceptors are installed for you, but it is also possible to install them in standalone jetty and (I think) tomcat and IIUC the Jencks project has installed them in Spring.

I am extremely geronimo-centric :-) but I will push one of our capabilities anyway, feel free to ignore it. If you are interested in running OFBiz in geronimo, you can "predeploy" it into a geronimo component, and then build a server that includes a web server, the tm, connection management, and OFBiz and pretty much nothing else, and produce an "unzip and run" server. This has always been one of our goals and we are ironing out some details of the "pretty much nothing else" part right now.

Thanks, feel free to ask more questions, what you want to do is definitely possible and should not be difficult: the exact steps may depend on how you are assembling everything.

david jencks



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