On Feb 14, 2006, at 9:01 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

I like the idea, but he devil is in the details. Before we move forward, I'd like to look that devil in he eyes.

Indeed. I don't understand what this would give anyone except a more complicated build structure. What I think would be substantially more useful and not introduce any more build complexity is a dependency diagram so you could easily see the answer to the question, if I include module/configuration X what do I need to make it work? Right now I think you can answer this my making an assembly that includes X and seeing what you get in it but a picture would be a lot easier to think about.

Part of this is that I pretty much regard anything above the kernel as optional... in particular connectors, transaction manager, security, and naming. We just haven't succeeded in actually making them optional yet.

david jencks


On Feb 13, 2006, at 7:15 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

What would folks think of (in principle, not right now) splitting out
the core Geronimo components from anything that wraps a 3rd-party
product/project?  So have one area for modules like kernel, security,
core, system, etc. and a separate area for modules like Jetty, Tomcat,
ActiveMQ, Directory, jUDDI, etc.  I guess mainly to draw the
distinction between what's really part of the infrastructure and
what's really "optional packages" that can be added on top (and I'm
talking about "optional" in a non-J2EE-server sense where you start
with literally nothing but the infrastructure and add only waht you
want, or something like that).  So we'd still pull a lot of that in
for our "J2EE" builds, but it would make a clearer distinction for
anyone who wanted a more custom build.


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