On 2/14/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the same way that we built Geronimo from "best of breed" J2EE-ish OSS
> projects that are out there, I'm sure we could do a similar thing with BPEL.
> Maybe do a "bake off" to help find the best codebase, and have the
> community collaborate around that?  (I'm not sure what that would
> entail, actually...)

Geir, I don't understand this at all.  In different threads you seem
to be simultaneously talking about bringing it to Agila, bringing it
to ServiceMix, having the Geronimo PMC vote on it, and now you're
recommending a "bake-off" where no one does anything with any code
until "the one true way" emerges?  I won't speculate on your motives,
but this strikes me as an... unusual approach.

Also, I don't at all agree with your comparison of a BPEL Engine to
Geronimo.  I would compare it to the transaction manager within
Geronimo.  It's a discrete component, and we're not going to take the
best of 20 different projects to make a transaction manager, and I
don't see why we'd do the same to make a BPEL Engine.

If anything, the JBI container is like Geronimo, and the BPEL Engine
is like the Transaction Manager, and note (everyone) what happened
there.  We didn't create a separate projects for the transaction
manager, we just build a good one in Geronimo and made it
intelligently portable.  Then, when someone had a fancy to use it in
Spring without the rest of Geronimo, they created Jencks, and now we
have a standalone projects for that purpose and the best of both
worlds, but it was born by putting the code in the container where it
would be used, making it solid and portable there, and building


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