sorry for the delay in replying

On Feb 10, 2006, at 9:46 AM, Conrad O'Dea wrote:

Hi David,

On 10 Feb 2006, at 16:04, David Jencks wrote:
in the current default configuration for Geronimo, there appears to be single WebServiceBuilder deployed which is the AxisBuilder. Is it possible to have a second builder of this type deployed? Is so what will happen when another Gbean (for example the Jetty or Tomcat deployer) invokes on it?

Basically, I am looking for a way to deploy another WebServiceBuilder that can be used by the module deployers without having to update the plans for each, if possible.

You won't be able to use it for ejb web services because the openejb web service implementation is hard coded to use axis.

Is there any reason that the OpenEJB stuff must use Axis or could it be updated to be more flexible?

I don't think there is any fundamental reason but right now it is coded that way and in the limited time I've been able to look at it I haven't seen how to disentangle it. David Blevins might have a better idea how to approach this.

However, I think the POJO ws should be OK. I think the easiest solution is to write a plan for your WSB that gives it the same name as the axis one, and deploy the resulting configuration instead of the axis one. (I'm assuming you are working with trunk where we have separated the builders more than in 1.0)

That's good know. I've been looking at the 1.0 tag but will move up to the trunk.

You may also need to write suitable "adapter" servlets similar to JettyPOJOWebServiceHolder.

There are probably lots of problems you will run into so please feel free to speak up, complain, etc etc

Thanks for the info.  I'm sure I'll be back :-)

Looking forward to it !

david jencks


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