On 2/17/2006 1:35 AM, Anders Hessellund Jensen wrote:

Gianny Damour wrote:

Basically, this is how I see a migration module by module working:
1. take one module;
2. write its pom.xml;
3. remove from its project.xml all the external dependencies, i.e. the non Geronimo dependencies (they are no more required as they are now defined by pom.xml); and
4. update its maven.xml to invoke the relevant M2 build goal.

The M1 reactor still drives the multiproject build. This means that we do not update the top level maven.xml file. When all the projects of a given multiproject build, e.g. new1, has been migrated, we let M2 drives the multiproject build.

I'm not sure this will work if we remove the maven 1 dependencies. M1 will not know in which order to build the M2 modules if the dependencies are removed.

I suggest we instead update the top level maven.xml file and initiate the M2 build from there. M2 will know in which order to build the M2 dependencies. We just have to make sure that no M2 modules depends on M1 modules.

Does the entire system need to build using a single command for this interim conversion? Why not have people do a

mvn install
maven new

The "mvn install" will build both maven 1 and 2 jars. The "maven new" will use the maven 1 jars.


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