Aaron Mulder wrote:
> What's wrong with just listing the attribute or reference with no
> content but without the new "empty=true"?  As in:
> <gbean name="TomcatEngine">
>   <reference name="TomcatValveChain" />
> </gbean>

This may be fine for references, but an empty string could be a
reasonable and valid setting for an attribute.  Therefore we need a way
to designate a difference between an empty string value, a null value,
and full removal of setting the value.

I also believe that we should be consistent.  So the way we do it for
one, we probably should do it for the other.


> Thanks,
>     Aaron
> On 2/24/06, Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The config.xml allows us to declare new GBeans and override references
>> and attributes of already existing Gbeans. But there is a missing
>> configuration item here, which is the ability to *remove* a reference or
>> attribute value from the configuration.  Currently there is no way to do
>> this.
>> Matt Hogstrom and I ran into this when trying to remove a logging
>> reference in one of the GBeans.
>> An example of this is the TomcatValveChain on the TomcatEngine.  As it
>> stands, our default implementation installs an AccessLogValve into the
>> TomcatValveChain reference.  We wanted to shut off logging to test
>> different performance numbers and found that there was no way to "clear"
>> or remove a reference that was set in the car plan via the config.xml,
>> without rebuilding the car from the source.
>> On further discussion with David J and Dain, we came up with a new xml
>> attribute to place on refs and attribute tags. You would use:
>> empty="true"
>> Example:  You want to remove the access logger to improve web container
>> performance, you would declare the following in the config.xml, which
>> would remove the TomcatValveChain from the TomcatEngine:
>> ...
>> <configuration name="geronimo/tomcat/1.1-SNAPSHOT/car">
>>     ...
>>     <gbean name="FirstValve" load="false"/>
>>     <gbean name="TomcatEngine">
>>         <reference name="TomcatValveChain" empty="true"/>
>>     </gbean>
>>     ...
>> </configuration>
>> ...
>> You would do the same for attributes that needed to be removed.
>> I have this all coded up and ready to check in, but wanted to get any
>> feedback or issues before I went ahead and did it.
>> Comments?
>> Jeff

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