2006/2/25, Bruce Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> My only point is that there was a devtools.html *and* a devtools
> directory.

I got your point and fully agree with you. There should only be one
and I think devtools dir would be better than devtools.html. Unless I
miss something, it could be done with devtools.html being renamed to
index.html in devtools dir.

> But it appears that the devtools directory has already been
> removed.

Just checked it out and it's still there, but only files are listed.
Not very user-friendly ;)

> It does seem odd that the tab labeled 'Subprojects' links to
> a page that is only about the devtools subproject. Maybe the tab
> should be renamed 'Devtools'?

Sure. It could point Devtools, ServiceMix, XBean. They all are
subprojects, aren't they?

> But, then again, maybe I'm just out of
> my mind.

If these ideas have appeared when you're in this state of mind, please
don't cure it ;) They're all valid points.

> Bruce


Jacek Laskowski

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