I think its best if you first need to get an understanding of the eclipse plugin architecture.  Please read this article... http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-Plug-in-architecture/plugin_architecture.html.  This particular article may be outdated since the move to OSGI but the concepts are the same.

Extension points are defined and loaded inside a plugin.xml.  The .serverdef file is a WTP specific file for defining generic servers.  Its loaded via an EMF model and thus by adding your entry there invalidates your file and thats why you're seeing the exception.

- sachin

On Feb 28, 2006, at 5:22 PM, Ted Kirby wrote:

I want to use this new support.
I put


point="org.apache.geronimo.devtools.eclipse.core.discouragedRuntimeAccess" >

<path value="/lib" />


in devtools\modules\eclipse-plugin\plugins\org.apache.geronimo.devtools.eclipse.core\serverdef\geronimo10.serverdef, but it did not work.  From the eclipse log, I got:

Wrapped exception
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.FeatureNotFoundException: Feature 'extension' not found. (bundleentry://341/serverdef/geronimo10.serverdef, 102, 91)

Where should I put the <extension> element?

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