Here is what it says in the DTD:

"This document and the product to which it pertains are distributed
under licenses restricting their use, copying, distribution, and
decompilation.  This document may be reproduced and distributed but may
not be changed without prior written authorization of Sun and its
licensors, if any."

So, from this blurb, it would appear we can include the DTDs and XSDs,
but we *cannot* change it.  Would this be a correct assessment?


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Exactly the right question - the copyright isn't the issue, but the
> license is.
> Where did these schemas come from, and what are the listed terms?
> geir
> Bill Stoddard wrote:
>> Jacek Laskowski wrote:
>>> 2006/3/9, Bill Stoddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Don't change the copyright statements. The only time it is
>>>> acceptable to change copyright statements is when
>>>> the copyright holder has assigned copyright ownership to the ASF.
>>> Has it been assigned? If not, my understanding is that we're not
>>> allowed to store them in the repo, either.
>> That's the wrong question. ASF repositories contain lots of code for
>> which the ASF is not the copyright owner. Whether we are allowed to
>> store code in our repositories depends on the license terms and
>> conditions issued by the copyright holder.  What are the T&C's for
>> this code? Do we know?
>> Bill

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