Seems there are two cases:

1)       Ideally we want to provide a complete set of deployment plan editors so that users can start building plans from the editor.   Like Sachin pointed out, this is not complete yet and users will have to use the text editor to make changes/add additions for now.

2)       Even when the complete set of deployment plan editor is available, certain users may still want to use the text editor if they don’t like the GUI or prefer text editor. 


For these users, they will not care if the plan will pass the XML checking done by EMF since they choose to editor it using the text editor.  They just want to run their applications within the eclipse environment, same as using the admin console or command line deployer.   Thus, if users use non-qualified plans (quite likely when they use the text editor), I’d like to see the eclipse plugin handle it, same as the web console deployer or command line deployer.    I spent some time going through the plugin debugger, here’s roughly what happens when I remotely deployed the MDB war file using the plugin:

n      publishModule()

n      doDeploy()

n       ExecuteDistribute includes load file to server, distribute the module id MDBDemoWebApp

n       Start module.   Failed here at trying to getConfigID of the targetModule (which is MDBDemoWebApp in my case).  The code was trying to get the ConfigID from the web deployment plan however the resource was failed to load due to the fact that the ejb-ref tag within the deployment plan not recognized as valid by EMF.   On my server, I verified that the MDBDemoWebApp distributed, but not started.


Is there a reason that we do this in two steps (distribute + stop)?  Seems to me that we could consolidate distribute + start into one step deploy and save us the need to get ConfigId of the module.  (I don’t see how users perform distribute applications in eclipse.) If we have to deploy an application in two steps and we need to find the configId of the module to start, maybe we could find a better way to parse the ConfigId value of the Geronimo deployment plans? 





-----Original Message-----
From: Sachin Patel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 7:02 PM
Subject: Re: valid XML checking


I'm already doing this on importing applications. Non-qualified plans can be imported, and I run the conversion to make it a valid doc so that the EMF models can process it.  Once its processed and the namespaces have been entered from that point forward you have to use qualified elements if you're modifying the resource via the Text/XML editor otherwise you invaliding the document and thus the editors can be opened against it.  


I may be able to put in a hook to always run SchemaConverstionUtils on opening the editor which would resolve the problem.  Go ahead and open a defect.  But if you put unqualified elements and run the WTP xml validator its going to fail since technically it is an invalid document.  I could add a ResourceChangeListener or Builder as well which would help as well.


But the "real solution" will be for users not have to modify the xml at all and there needs to be a complete set of deployment plan editors.  I've been very behind on this effort, what would help would be if someone could mock up how they wanted things to be layed out in the editors and then I could get it done much quicker.


- sachin



On Mar 9, 2006, at 2:59 PM, David Jencks wrote:

The builders all run plans through SchemaConversionUtils to install the correct namespaces.  Is there some way to get eclipse to do that?


I don't know if it would be a good idea to then save the converted version.



david jencks


On Mar 9, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Lin Sun wrote:

Hi there,


I’ve spent quite some time trying to get the MDB sample ( deployed using the eclipse plugin.   I was able to get it running eventually but I had to spend extra time in modifying the deployment plan to bypass the valid XML checking.   The extra editing is are not needed if I use the command line deployer or admin console.


The problem is that the plugin checks the deployment plan very strictly.   





I had to change it to the following just for Eclipse environment.  (xmlns:nam= is specified earlier in the plan)




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