I have fixed the build for maven.

For the servicemix-web, I suppose that you are trying to use a
component with xbean deployment inside the webapp using lightweight
configuration ?  The servicemix container
itself does not depend on xbean-server. The main problem is that each
component will have different needs and we can not include all jars in
the sample webapp.

Jars dependencies are a problem currently because components (like
servicemix-http, -jms, ...) do rely on the fact that some jars are in
the parent classloader.  This is not a good option and I'd like to
move all needed dependencies inside a shared library or directly
inside components.

Guillaume Nodet

On 3/22/06, Charles Souillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am havin troubles when compiling the latest svn head today 2 PM
> /serviceMix/trunk/servicemix-jms/src/main/java/org/apache/servicemix/jms/MultiplexingProviderProcessor.java:135:
> cannot access javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
> file javax/mail/internet/MimeMessage.class not found
>                             SoapMessage soap =
> soapMarshaler.createReader().read(is, contentType);
> Any idea ?
> I think, a dependency should be added to SM-jms project...
> In addition, before updating my SM source code, I had the following
> problem :
> I am having troubles when deploying the SM webapp in my app server.
> I get a NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xbean/server/repository/Repository
> This class is in xbean-server jar
> I think the problem is that there is a missing dependency in
> servicemix-assembly/src/main/release/examples/servicemix-web/project.xml
> the following lines should be added :
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>org.apache.xbean</groupId>
>       <artifactId>xbean-server</artifactId>
>       <version>${xbean_version}</version>
>       <url>http://www.xbean.org</url>
>       <properties>
>         <war.bundle>true</war.bundle>
>       </properties>
>     </dependency>
> If it is right, can you commit it ?
> Thanks,
> Charles

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