I've been encountering a number of problems building on Windows which
seem to be steadily getting worse and I was wondering if anybody else is
experiencing this (and hopefully has some work-arounds).
- Out of Memory Errors. These seem to be related to two different
1) Long file names. If I remember correctly Windows has issues if the
file names exceed 256 bytes. I've been working with multiple levels of
geronimo concurrently and so have had to name the root something other
than simply geronimo. It seems like if I start to get longer than 12
characters or so I begin to hit these problems. I think we may be
getting into trouble here with the depth of our packages and embedded
2) Extra garbage hanging around in %temp% from previous builds. The
geronimo build leaves a lot of trash in %temp% and when that seems to
cause problems with out of memory errors and subsequent builds.
- File IO errors when running the CRLF plugin. These may be related to
the %temp% storage but I seem to get them at times even when I've just
cleaned out my %temp%. Running back to back I get different results.
Thanks for the help,
Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at earthlink.net
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose." -- Jim Elliot