Hi there,

Right now I've got to the stage where I can, with a bit of tweaking of the config.xml, deploy Celtix to Geronimo and have it handle Web Service deployments. This is on 1.2 where the deployers for wars, ejb jars and webservices are all separate so it's pretty straightforward to change configuration so that a Celtix deployer is used. Thanks for the help in making that work.

1.0/1.1 is another story, though. Here, the j2ee-deployer directly configures the GBeans it uses for deploying web services etc. I've tried overriding the class for the WebServiceBuilder in the config.xml but it is ignored. In fact as the server is starting the config.xml is overwritten and my change is erased.

In the config.xml, should be possible to change the name of the class that implements a particular GBean? Can I prevent a GBean from being loaded?


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