On Apr 19, 2006, at 2:47 PM, Dave Colasurdo wrote:

Hmmm.. What level of Tomcat does the community want to include in G1.1?


Tomcat 5.5.9 - current working level in G1.0 and G1.1.. Clustering works.. TCK is testing with this level..

Tomcat 5.5.10-5.5.14 - clustering is broken

Tomcat 5.5.15 - Clustering seems to work somewhat. We've encountered at least one bug. Filip (tomcat clustering developer) mentioned there are still some significant bugs in this level and advises us to move to 5.5.16.

Tomcat 5.5.16 - Jeff has mentioned that he and David J had previously discovered some issues that required significant rework that he didn't want to tackle until G1.2..

So...  Do we stick with 5.5.9 for G1.1 and move to 5.5.16+ in G1.2?

I think 5.5.9 is safest, and baseline 5.5.17 for 1.2.

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