When a JNDI context is created for a given configuration, the interface name is used to determine the name of the gbean that will be mapped to this JNDI reference (and to create a proxy ?).
Take a look at o.a.g.naming.ENCConfigBuilder#addResourceRefs.
But I guess this is irrelevant if the objects are bound when they are created.

Btw, should the global JNDI tree be read-only, or read-write ? IMHO, a read-write global JNDI tree would be very usefull.

Guillaume Nodet

Manu George wrote:

Thanks David.

Guillaume , Which proxy in the JNDI Tree are you referring where geronimo requires the main interface name? Are you speaking of UserTransaction etc? I thought those were standard names that we can use to access them and will not be provided in DD? Please clarify and correct me if I am wrong.


On 4/25/06, *David Jencks* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    It's required for corba ejb references.

    david jencks

    On Apr 25, 2006, at 7:34 AM, Manu George wrote:

    > Hi,
    >         I have a question regarding one of the objects present in
    > the current application local JNDI Context. What is the
    > HandleDelegate entry for?
    > Thanks
    > Manu

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