Jules Gosnell wrote:
David Blevins wrote:

On May 4, 2006, at 12:57 AM, Jules Gosnell wrote:

Sort of. Both your explanations involve smartening the java clients on the other end of WS or CORBA to play nice.


smart java stubs for RMI over OpenEJB-protocol (what is it called?) or IIOP.

for WS, the load-balancer will do it.

The goal of those protocols is to interop in a language agnostic fashion. WS are all stateless for EJB, so there is nothing to cluster anyway.

stateless calls are still clustered - the load-balancing and failover considerations still exist - you just do not require session affinity (stickiness). If you are talking about server-side requirements, then I agree.

But for IIOP, would we simply not offer clustering to people using CORBA to interop with clients in other languages or on other platforms?

to tell the truth, these cases have escaped my radar - My CORBA knowledge is pretty thin and I have only really considered it in a java/java environment - I am sure that Kresten would be much better positioned to answer this question... I will CC this to him, in case he would like to pick it up...
corba is not far from RMI, and the corba implementation that you use, create their own stubs, and those stubs can do the same stuff as smart RMI stubs. I'm sure that corba could even do dynamic proxies in some sort of sense, they werent able to when I used it a long time ago, but if the technology has kept up, then yes, you should be able to build in significant logic in the clients.


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