On May 7, 2006, at 6:56 PM, anita kulshreshtha wrote:

    I have a similar concern with *Connectors. The attributes of the
connectors should be set only via GBeans. But using Jconsole one could
easily modify the attributes of the tomcat connector Mbeans, thereby
creating an inconsistent state and unpredictable behavior. It is very
easy to mistake one for the other. The new debug console would also
allow this.

It looks to me as if any changes made to a tomcat connector mbean will be visible in the gbean console, but that the new value will not be saved in the attribute store (config.xml). Changes made in the gbean console will be visible in the mbean server and will also be saved in config.xml. Is this the behavior you see?

david jencks


--- David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've run into a couple fair-sized problems with the tomcat
integration and I'm not sure how to proceed.  The problems are:

1. commons-modeler 1.1 is broken for use in a jsr-77 compliant
environment.  The BaseModelMBean has a method
ObjectName getObjectName()

which is used in preference to any method on the wrapped resource
object such as the jsr-77 required

String getObjectName()

method implemented by StandardContext and StandardWrapper (the
servlet wrapper).  As a result,  getting the value of the objectName

attribute from the MEJB returns an ObjectName rather than the spec
required String.

This is fixed in the commons modeler svn trunk (actually fixed in rev

139253 sept 2003

)  but AFAICT there have been no releases since that fix.  Current
trunk does not build cleanly for me, I get a test failure.

I imagine that since the commons modeler community has not released
anything for more than 1.5 years despite this fix being required for

use in a j2ee compliant environment we have 0 chance of getting an
official release any time soon.

About the only thing I can think to do here is make a private build
of commons-modeler.

I believe we did not see this earlier because the MEJB was not
showing anything for the tomcat created mbeans since it was using a
"fake" mbean server wrapping the geronimo kernel, showing only
gbeans.  Now we are bridging gbeans into the mbean server and MEJB is

querying the real mbean server.

2. We have 2 mbeans claiming to be the web module: one from our
gbean, which has no servlets, and one from  tomcat, which actuallly
has the servlets.  These have rather different naming policies.  For

instance, the tomcat one has J2EEModule=//context-root whereas ours
has J2EEModule=jarname or configid/moduleId.

I'm tempted to make our gbean claim to be a WebModuleWrapper or
something like that so jsr-77 only finds one mbean/web module.  I'd
like to get at least the J2EEApplication set correctly on the tomcat

mbeans and preferably get the WebModule to agree with our setting.

Comments? Other proposals?

david jencks

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