On May 11, 2006, at 6:01 AM, Joe Bohn wrote:

I agree with everyone else that it is really great to have these unstable builds being produced and posted on a regular basis! It will help encourage users to pick up the latest more quickly and provide us with quicker feedback.

Definitely a good start. It takes group participation to really take advantage.

How is it expected that users will find these unstable builds?

We can link the Latest Unstable wiki page from the website. We can also mention them when we fix problems, "I submitted/comitted a patch for this and it will be available in next Wednesday's build! (post link)" Or when people have problems building, "Give the latest unstable a try and see how it goes. (post link)"

Is there some way to get to the unstable builds from the geronimo web site? I think more people would find it and use it if there was a link from the downloads page to http://cvs.apache.org/dist/ geronimo/unstable/ .


One more question: How long will these builds "hang around"? I see that there are still builds from 1.0 out there.

The script arbitrarily keeps 14 past builds -- can be whatever number we choose.

Just a nit - but it would be nice if we could put the most recent build at the top of the list.

Sure. Most people don't notice that page is sortable. We can link it that way for convenience.




David Blevins wrote:
I've revived our script that creates unstable builds. Further, I've hooked it up to run every Wednesday at 6am PST. I chose Wednesday as it gives developers a couple days into the week to try and get features in that they'd like people to try out. It also gives a couple days in the week for users to give feedback. The goal is to have a nice steady drum beat of content reaching the community to add more iterations to what is inherently an iterative process. More iterations means more interactions which means a healthier community economy. I could spend forever counting out the benefits to the community and overall quality of the software produced/consumed.
Here is the info for the very latest build:
Geronimo 1.1-405734 - May 10, 2006
http://opensource.atlassian.com/confluence/oss/display/GERONIMO/ Latest +Unstable The changelog is automatically generated along with the unstable build, so keep an eye on that page for future updates!
All the best,

Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at earthlink.net

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." -- Jim Elliot

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