I agree with both of you. I agree with James that XBean is getting close to needing it's own mailing list (I don't think it is there yet, but I can see what prompted the request). I with Ken that when XBean gets to the point of needing a separate mailing list it should start the transition to becoming a separate project.

My guess is XBean will make a turn to become a standalone in the next 6 months or it will get settle into just another subproject of Geronimo. I'm curious to see how it will all shake out. :)


On May 25, 2006, at 6:23 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

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James Strachan wrote:

So I was wondering; maybe we should create mailing lists for XBean and
then it becomes effectively a new subproject with its own identity.

Given the slow release cycles of Geronimo, XBean could end up being
the cool & trendy young sister project, releasing often which could
innovate and help gain traction faster which, given that stuff that
works in XBean will ultimately work great in Geronimo too is a win- win

If XBean is as separate as all that, it should be its own project
and not part of Geronimo.  Separate codebase, separate Web pages,
separate mailing lists, and probably separate JIRA.. then there's
no point in misleading ourselves that it's part of Geronimo.

So as long as it *is* part of Geronimo, it has to at least
share the Geronimo mailing lists.  Balkanisation has been found
here to be definitely counterproductive.
- --
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

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