
Thanks for the info. Actually, Paul requested if I can
take this particular jira since I already started
working on it. The jira was originally assigned to
him. Both of you said the same thing that's the reason
for the original email. What I forgot to include is a
bit of background why I'm requesting such change.
Anyway, I hope Dain reads this email…

Thanks again,

--- Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Chris,
> You need to get Dain to grant you contributor karma
> by adding you to the 
> geronimo-contributors group in jira.   Then you can
> assign the jira to 
> yourself (assuming Paul agrees).
> Joe
> Chris Cardona wrote:
> > Anybody (maybe Dain) here who can help me have
> G-1860
> > assigned to me - ‘ccardona’? TIA.
> > 
> > chris
> > 
> > 
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> -- 
> Joe Bohn
> joe.bohn at
> "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to
> gain what he cannot 
> lose."   -- Jim Elliot

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