- a list of bugs that *someone* ought to look at for a release
- features (and more rarely, bugs) that should be looked at, but not
in the current release
- features that people have asked for but are not possible in the near term

If we got the JIRA label plugin ( http://confluence.atlassian.com/ display/JIRAEXT/JIRA+Label+Plugin ) installed we could add labels (aka tags) to issues to add this type of metadata to issues.

- a screen showing issues with attached patches, perhaps by priority,
perhaps by component

You can do this now, create a saved filter and then use the filter portlet on your dashboard to view the issues that match.

If we were actually using Confluence to render dynamic pages, then we could embed that same portlet into a page so that everyone can see the same data. W/o you need to login to JIRA and configure a filter and portlet...

Maybe we could link to a few pages in cwiki directly... ?


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