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Hiram Chirino wrote:
> On 6/12/06, Rodent of Unusual Size <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Aaron wrote:
>>> Also, who has accused who of intimidation and how?
>> I responded:
>>> People who feel intimidated don't speak up about it until/unless
>>> they feel comfortable.  It's not for me to reveal their
>>> information; they can do so themselves on the dev list.  If they
>>> feel comfortable doing so.
> This feels wrong to me.  It might just be my personal philosophy, but
> typically, I don't give any credit to an accusation unless the
> accuser is willing to stand behind the accusation in the open.

Typically I agree.  Out in the open, or with evidence.  In this
case, answering the request for exact names and methods would
essentially have been gossip.

> Yes, I understand the concept of feeling intimidated, but that
> concept is to easy to hide behind for the purpose of slinging around
> false accusations.

And because someone *can* misuse it the default assumption
should be that everyone *will*?  That attitude is at least
as destructive as the intimidation itself might be.  In this
case, there have been multiple independent sources corroborating
each other.  If someone is in distress because it feels
intimidated, fears at least as much if not more distress
will ensue if it 'goes public,' and you're asked to for help
about it -- what do you do?  What if multiple people have
approached you independently?  Do you ignore their concerns
until they're 'brave' enough to speak up publicly?  Or change
things so that intimidation is more difficult?
- --
#ken    P-|}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"Millennium hand and shrimp!"
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