On 6/19/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jun 19, 2006, at 4:28 PM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

> Clearly the opinion of some on the thread is they trust each other
> and communication has already been fine so this is just slowing
> them down?  Is that the summary?  I'd have to disagree that things
> have been fine although I'll concede that perhaps some changes to
> RTC may be warranted.

I think that the model of reviewing is working and I like it.  What I
don't like is the requirement to physically apply every patch and run
a full build.  I feel that a careful read of the patch is good enough
for trunk and tends to spur collaboration and communication that was
the original intent of switching to RTC.


For micro releases, I taking a more conservative approach may be
warranted, but I honestly don't see how applying a patch and building
it is going to find more error.  For example, the NPEs you pointed
out are likely to only be found by testing user applications, and
when we do find one a test case should be added to prevent regressions.



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