Hi Jeremy,
I was using a graphical tool to do the merge. The dry run would show all the files that would be updated but when I ran it "for real" nothing really changed on my working, local trunk, copy.

I did an svn stat and saw no changes, did an svn up and it failed. Can't remember exactly the error msg but was something about not a working directory or can not run from the same directory.

I ended up doing a new svn co from the trunk, updated the project files and xdocs, rebuilding and committing. I couldn't find any other way to do it, then I updated the web site from the trunk.

What would the "svn command line" way be for merging the branch into the trunk?



Jeremy Whitlock wrote:
Can you paste the command that you are trying to use? Merging is the proper approach for this type of thing. With the merge command, you can create a patch using the unified-diff output and piping it to a file. If I can see your command, I can hook you up.

Take care,


On 6/20/06, *Hernan Cunico* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Merging isn't working, I don't see anything being updated into trunk.
    How do I create a patch if my local working copy is fully in sync
    with the branch, not the trunk.

    Is there a way to copy/move the content of the branch and overwrite
    the trunk?



    David Blevins wrote:
     > On Jun 19, 2006, at 12:11 PM, Hernan Cunico wrote:
     >> Hi All,
     >> I'm a bit lost with the two branches we have now to manage the web
     >> site.  I have the .../site/branches/may2006 branch updated
    and  ready
     >> to go live, it already includes that last two changes  (updated
     >> and added book to documentation).
     >> What would be the next step? replacing the content of .../site/
     >> and then commit to the live site from the updated trunk? how  do I
     >> replace it the content in .../site/trunk with the may2006 branch?
     > Typically, you'd merge over your changes.  Could use the 'svn merge'
     > command.  Or you could create a patch file and apply it to trunk.  I
     > like to use the graphical diff tool in Visual SlickEdit, but
    that's  not
     > free.
     > -David

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