I was not swayed by the arguments against letting people deploy Quartz
jobs as GBeans.  However, I agree that it's not appropriate for every
case.  When I document this plugin, I plan to list the use cases I'm
going for and the ones I'm not.

After a little experimentation, I've been able to configure both EJB
references and Resources references for the Quartz jobs using
dependency injection (not JNDI).  So for example, if your job declares
a setMyDatabase(DataSource foo) then you can point to a Geronimo data
source in your XML and that method will be called on your job to give
it the appropriate data source before it is executed.  EJBs should
work the same way.  I don't plan to add service references because I
think people would be unlikely to use JAX-RPC from a non-J2EE
component, but it will just require some XML surgery if people clamor
for it.

However, due to a variety of bugs in 1.1, the EJB references don't
work, and there's a fair amount of Geronimo code copied and pasted
into the plugin.  If we fix the EJB proxy bug and the EJB reference
builder bug and the ENCConfigBuilder visibility bug for 1.1.1, then
EJB references should work and the plugin code will get a lot cleaner.
I plan to look at the last two bugs, and I hear there's a patch for
the EJB proxy bug but we're waiting for Dain to review it and see if
he has a better idea.


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